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7 World Class Cocktails In BALI With INDONESIAN Spice!

Margareth StellaMargareth Stella
7 World Class Cocktails In BALI With INDONESIAN Spice! - Main Photo
7 World Class Cocktails In BALI With INDONESIAN Spice!
Indonesia is world-famous for its abundance of exotic spices. You see these ingredients being used every day in an endless variety of food dishes. But what about the cocktail scene? It was uncommon to come across traditional Indonesian ingredients being used in sophisticated cocktails…until now!

Check out these 7 outlets whose bartenders have found the best ways celebrate Indonesian flavors in their drinks.
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Base Genep Martini
Base genep, a staple of Balinese cuisine, make a successful debut into the cocktail world.
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Loloh Bali
The fresh turmeric and tamarind syrup found in this delicious cocktail will delight your taste buds.
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Spiced G.N.T.
Tumeric and kencur turn a normal gin & tonic into an exciting experience.
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The Eastern Mule
Fresh ginger and lemongrass syrup spice up this refreshing cocktail.
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Balado Maryo
Your average bloody mary is transformed into something spectacular when made with sambal balado.
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Mesoyi Old Fashionedo
Homemade bitters made from mesoyi wood make this drink truly an original.
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Tru Nyan
Taru menyan cordial, jeruk Bali bitters, and Kintamani orange marmalade…this is an old fashioned twist you have to try!
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