8 Babi Guling diBali yang Enaknya MintaAmpun
5 Spot Live MusicBiar Makin Happy Saatdi Bali
Awas Jatuh! 5 Restoranini Berada di TepiTebing di Bali


8 Babi Guling di Bali yang Enaknya Minta Ampun
8 Babi Guling di Bali yang Enaknya Minta Ampun

Buat para penikmat daging babi, wajib hukumnya untuk mampir ke spot makan babi guling saat lagi liburan ke Bali. Daripada pusing harus mencari kemana, nih Qraved bikinin daftar 8 restoran babi guling yang super mantap di Bali. 

5 Spot Live Music Biar Makin Happy Saat di Bali
5 Spot Live Music Biar Makin Happy Saat di Bali

Dari deretan bar yang ada di Bali, apa bisa kamu menemukan spot asyik yang menawarkan pemandangan menawan, bir murah, nice ambiance, dan good entertainment? Jawabannya ada dalam daftar 5 bar berikut ini. Selamat menikmati live musik sambil mengentakkan kaki. 

Awas Jatuh! 5 Restoran ini Berada di Tepi Tebing di Bali
Awas Jatuh! 5 Restoran ini Berada di Tepi Tebing di Bali

Restoran di Bali identik dengan pemandangan lautnya yang mempesona. Namun, nggak cuma restoran yang terletak di pinggir pantai saja yang menyimpan keindahan. 5 restoran di pinggir tebing di Bali ini nggak cuma punya panorama cantik tapi juga cocok untuk menguji nyali kamu.

5 Beach Club Keren di Bali yang Bebas Ongkos Masuk
5 Beach Club Keren di Bali yang Bebas Ongkos Masuk

Sudah mendarat di Bali dan masih mikir-mikir saat mau ke beach Club karena tarif masuknya yang mahal? Nggak usah khawatir! Di 5 beach club ini kamu bakal tersenyum senang karena bebas ongkos masuk dan spotnya juga kece abis! Yuk, buruan ke sini saja!

9 Destinasi Hits di Bali Buat yang Suka Eksis di Instagram
9 Destinasi Hits di Bali Buat yang Suka Eksis di Instagram

Walaupun sudah didatangi berkali-kali, Bali sepertinya nggak pernah membosankan buat dikunjungi lagi. Dan buat kamu yang berencana ke sana, ini dia destinasi yang lagi hits yang sering didatangi sama anak gaul yang suka eksis di Instagram. Biar nggak kalah kekinian, mending simak dulu 9 tempat yang Instagrammable berikut!

Nggak Cuma di Pantai, 5 Restoran di Tepi Sawah Bali Ini Juga Nggak Kalah Hits
Nggak Cuma di Pantai, 5 Restoran di Tepi Sawah Bali Ini Juga Nggak Kalah Hits

Ke Bali nggak cuma melulu tentang pantainya, tapi juga ada gunung, danau, hingga sawah yang cantik. Mungkin itu juga yang menyebabkan pulau Dewata nggak pernah sepi dari wisatawan. Nah, buat kamu yang bosan dengan pantainya, mending simak nih, list 5 restoran yang menyuguhkan panorama sawah yang nggak kalah hits dari restoran di tepi pantai!

Warisan Rasa Autentik Bali Bisa Kamu Nikmati di 5 Spot Ini
Warisan Rasa Autentik Bali Bisa Kamu Nikmati di 5 Spot Ini

Bali tidak hanya menawarkan restoran dengan infinity pool. Selain kaya akan pemandangan menakjubkan, Bali juga memiliki beragam makanan tradisional yang harus kamu coba. Dari babi guling sampai bubur injin, ini dia restoran yang menyajikan hidangan autentik Bali.

Surga Dunia Bisa Dinikmati di Restoran Dengan View Alam Bali Ini
Surga Dunia Bisa Dinikmati di Restoran Dengan View Alam Bali Ini

Sepertinya tidak pernah ada kata bosan untuk datang ke Pulau Dewata. Budaya, alam, juga kulinernya seakan jadi magnet yang membuat semua insan datang ke sana. Dan saat kamu menjejakkan kaki di Bali, beberapa restoran dengan view alam berikut ini wajib untuk dikunjungi karena benar-benar membuatmu seakan berada di surga. 

5 Spot Halal Biar Kamu Makan Tanpa Cemas di Bali
5 Spot Halal Biar Kamu Makan Tanpa Cemas di Bali

Sering was-was saat cari-cari makanan di Bali enak sekaligus halal saat berlibur di Bali? Tapi sebenarnya itu nggak perlu terjadi karena nyatanya banyak tempat makanan halal nan lezat di Bali. Dan berikut ini, adalah beberapa yang bisa langsung kamu coba biar kamu bisa makan tanpa cemas di Bali. 

7 Restoran Menakjubkan yang Wajib Kamu Datangi Saat Berlibur ke Bali
7 Restoran Menakjubkan yang Wajib Kamu Datangi Saat Berlibur ke Bali

Yang disebut paradise island, bukan hanya Themiscyra di film Wonder Woman. Pulau Bali yang dengan sejuta keindahannya ini pun kerap menghipnotis siapa saja yang datang ke sana. Tidak hanya pantai biru sampai berbagai art space, berbagai restoran dengan pemandangan alamnya yang memukau plus kelezatan hidangan siap membuatmu takjub. 

7 Most Mouth-Watering Balinese Suckling Pig in Bali
7 Most Mouth-Watering Balinese Suckling Pig in Bali

Balinese suckling pig is definitely one of the culinary trademarks in Bali, the island of Gods. This dish is always popular for both local and international tourists. The aroma of its fat, sizzling together with multiple blend of aromatic spices never ceases to make one’s nostril tingling. It’s often served with the coconut-marinated veggies to provide balance between juiciness, crispness and savory.    

6 Cozy Spots in Bali to Chill With Some Beers
6 Cozy Spots in Bali to Chill With Some Beers

Who would need a long intro for beer? It’s the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. So, for all of you in Bali tired of partying till late night and just want to chill, whether it’s with your friends, family or significant other, here we are presenting our top 6 beer spots in Bali:

5 Most Memorable Street Food We Tried in Bali
5 Most Memorable Street Food We Tried in Bali

Street food has always been a tasty solution whenever you’re hungry or just craving for a midnight snack. Here, we list 5 most memorable dishes that we’ve tried in Bali, elaborating on what ingredients do they use and how are they cooked.   Most of the savory dishes in this list will contain a mixture of spices called Base Genep: a sacred combination of exotic spices (e.g: black pepper, candlenut, cloves, corianders, shallots, turmeric, chilli, galangal, lemon grass) and other ingredients, grounded and smoothened together to create an exquisite taste and aroma.   Without further ado, enjoy!  

Our 5 Favorite Brunch Spots in Bali
Our 5 Favorite Brunch Spots in Bali

Eliminating the needs to get up early on weekdays & holidays, brunch would make one’s life better, especially for weekend party animals. For those of you who’re having fun in Bali starry night sky right now, we dedicate this article for you!

7 Great Coffee Spots to Start Your Day in Bali
7 Great Coffee Spots to Start Your Day in Bali

No doubt, coffee is one of the world’s most well-known beverages, and often claimed as the most widely consumed drinks in the world just after water (yes, H2O). Its success as a beverage is undoubtedly thanks to the caffeine it hosts, which stimulates a vibe of sensory pleasure. So, whether you want to start your day after a wild party the night before, or just right after you’re catching the sunrise you’ve always looked for, here’s our seven most recommended coffee spots in Bali for you to enjoy!

5 Sexiest Fusion Restaurants in Bali
5 Sexiest Fusion Restaurants in Bali

Blessed with diverse multi-ethnic population, combined with the exquisite ingredients that comes from the tropic lands and vast seas, Bali has all it needs to be hub of fusion cuisines. This is especially attractive for tourists who are looking for some homey comfort, coupled with local-adventurous umami in their dishes.   Without further ado, here are our favourite fusion restaurants in Bali:

5 Restaurants in Bali That You Won't Believe Exist
5 Restaurants in Bali That You Won't Believe Exist

Bali is truly an Island of wonder. In 15 minutes of a drive, you can easily find diverse people, landscapes and histories, contributing to original cultures you can enjoy in each part of the island. This applies to its cuisine as well. Here, we’re presenting our five most unforgettable restaurants in Bali, taking into account their dishes and niches.

Our 5 Favorite Rooftop Bars in Bali
Our 5 Favorite Rooftop Bars in Bali

Possessing one of the best elevated sceneries in Indonesia, Bali definitely has an edge when it comes to rooftop bars. The multi-ethnic visitors, diverse selection of foods, drinks and the much-desired tropical atmosphere are definitely the X factors of why rooftop-bars in Bali are always fully packed with patrons (except on a rainy night). Here are our top 10 recommended rooftop-bars in Bali, whether you wanna chill or party.

6 Incredible Foods in Bali That Are Easy on Your Pocketbook
6 Incredible Foods in Bali That Are Easy on Your Pocketbook

Although Bali is well-known as one of the most popular tourist destinations, not all restaurants are taxing on your purse. You can still find some AMAZING food which cost just next to nothing. You just gotta try, right? So, if today is the 15th or 16th day of the month and your wallet is close to breaking down, don’t worry! We’ll share you some info on some of the best deals in the city. All the restos listed here should cost less than $4 apiece.   Just a friendly reminder: The cost we list here only applies IF you consume ONE meal portion, not more. So, here we go!

5 Spots With The Coolest Swimming Pool in Bali
5 Spots With The Coolest Swimming Pool in Bali

In a tropical island like Bali, swimming is a definite necessity. Imagine yourself in a swimming pool, directly gazing at the sea, sand, sun (or moon) while enjoying a cold fresh coconut, or even a mojito while lazily laying on the couch. These are some winning spots chosen by your fellow Qravians: