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D&K Dessert Cafe

16 Reviews
Pantai Indah Kapuk100rb - 200rb
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Karina Marpaung
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8 Pancake Unik yang Tak Boleh Kamu Lewatkan di Jakarta
Pancake bertingkat kini bertambah seru dengan kreasi Pancake with Ice Cream dari D&K Dessert. Di antara susunan kedua pancake tersebut, terselip kenikmatan potongan buah strawberry, blueberry, dan whip cream yang membuatmu semakin bersemangat makan. 
Megan Faustine
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Sweet dessert!
Dessert time at D&K Dessert house!   Crispy Waffle with Ice Cream - IDR 48,000   Everything about dessert should be cute,including the presentation. Using a delicate yet simple presentation, thebrownie cake taste good, the waffle is crispy and you could combine it alltogether with a scoop of ice cream.   Molten Lava Set - IDR 35,000   One of my favorite dessert is a lavacake. The lava cake from D&K Dessert is really rich of chocolate flavor andthe filling is generous. Still warm inside, you might want to mix it with acold vanilla ice cream. Yummy!   Pannacota Pudding Ice Cream – IDR 35,000   Thepannacotta is fluffy, smooth and taste dark chocolate. One of my type ofcomfort food, delish and the portion is enough. #QravedThis
Megan Faustine
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Refreshing drinks for hangouts!
Not only food & dessert, but there are plenty drinks that you could try here! Greentea Milk Shake - IDR 30,000   Served in a cute curvy glass, thegreentea flavor is not that strong and the sweetness is well-balanced. It’sserved with a whipped cream, so if you don’t really like something too sweet,you might want to tell the waitress to get rid of the whipped cream.   Strawberry Yoghurt Ice Blended - IDR29,000   Actually, I don’t expect this ice blendedto taste sweet. So if you like sweet strawberry, this drink might be suitablefor your taste. The yoghurt blends really well and they also use milk inside.   Mango Yoghurt Ice Blended - IDR 29,000   Different than the strawberry, the mangotaste a bit sour. However, I prefer this one because for me it’s morerefreshing!   Peach Calpis Slurpee - IDR 29,000   Craving for something refreshing? Thismocktail consist of soda that could make your eyes blink rapidly fast when youzip it for the first time. Don’t forget to blend it first because it’s reallysweet on the bottom.   Thai Milk Tea - IDR 20,000   Nowadays, the popularity of Thai Milk Teais indeed increasing. If you want to try the authentic thai milk tea, D&KDessert could be one of your options. Flavourful and really Thai indeed!   Blackcoffee Ice - IDR 35,000   Fancy for some coffee? This beveragesallow you to pour your own coffee inside the glass, so it feels more aunthenticif you drink the coffee. Don’t worry the taste is not that bitter and wellbalanced with the milk.   Frappe Cappucino - IDR 29,000   If you can’t drink a strong coffee, youcould order the frappe instead. However, for me the frappe is too sweet and thecappucion taste is not really there.   Hot Chocolate Marshmallow - IDR 35,000   For those who want some comfort duringrainy season and cold weather, hot chocolate is always the best option. Servedwith marshmallow, it’s best if you zip it while its warm. #QravedThis
Megan Faustine
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yummy food, great place
Last weekend, I got a chance to visit this incredibly simple yet cute 2 floors restaurant at Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara. It’s called D&K Dessert& Cafe Shop, with a squirrel for their mascot. Once enter the cafe shop, you’ll spot a bright, spacious and homey ambiance with a simple swingplayground design. I directly fell in love with this spot, and I think it’s very suitable for you who wants to do “nongkrong cantik”.    Hongkong Fishball Curry - IDR 32,000   It’s served like a satay, but with currygravy instead of peanut. The fishball is so easy to chew and thank God it’s notfishy. The curry flavor is not too strong, so it won’t ruin your next dish ;)   Mini Rainbow - IDR 58,000   There are three colourfull little burgerswith Red, Yellow and Green colour – like a traffic light, right? LoL – it’ssuper cute yet tasty. The bun is soft and the meat is tender. It’s suitable forsharing!   Tiger Bread Roll - IDR 42,000   Rolled with eggs, bread flour, zucchini,and some other ingredients, the taste of the tuna is still strong and you couldfeel it inside your mouth. Eventhough it seems small, but it’s packed and heavyenough for a meal.   Gyudon - IDR 50,000   If you’re craving for rice and real meet,then you must order this scrumptious Gyudon. The meat is juicy, well-burnt, andfull of flavour. There’s also a soft-ruin eggs that you could enjoy the Gyudonwith. Simply a bowl of happiness!   Dk Chicken Karage - IDR 38,000   Who doesn’t like a melted, never endingmozarella cheese in their meal? With a very affordable price and rich ofchicken meat and mozarella, DK Chicken Karage will surely boost your appetite and mood during the day. Love the chicken texture, because it’s not too thickand just blend perfectly with the flour and cheese! #Qravedthis  
Merry Lim
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All about dessert
The yogurt ice cream is recommended, but the mango was soo sour. I don't like the pancake ice cream due to lots of whip cream

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