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Warung Babi Guling Pak Malen

89 Reviews
SeminyakBelow 100rb
Hours 08:30 - 18:00Open Now

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99 ratings
David Handoko
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5 Spot Babi Guling Wajib Coba Di Bali
Berlokasi di kawasan Jalan Sunset Road No. 554, Seminyak, kamu bisa cicipi kenikmatan Babi Guling Pak Malen yang juga jadi favorit. Tempat ini buka dari jam 8 pagi hingga jam 7 malam namun ketika libur panjang tempat ini bisa habis lebih cepat. Kenikamatan menu babinya lebih terasa dengan bumbu dan sambalnya yang bikin keringat mengucur deras.
Ganesha Wanda Simanjuntak
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8 Babi Guling di Bali yang Enaknya Minta Ampun
Kalau ngomongin soal babi guling enak di Bali, Warung Babi Guling Pak Malen juaranya! Disajikan terpisah dari nasi, satu porsinya babi gulingnya diisi dengan aneka pelengkap lain yang komplit banget, seperti sate babi, sosis babi, kulit babi, hingga sayurannya. Puas banget deh pokoknya!  
Wenzes William
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Matthew Sultan
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7 Most Mouth-Watering Balinese Suckling Pig in Bali
In this venue, the side dishes are delivered separately, so your plates look neater and more organized (talking about OCD). That’s not all what this place offers though. Don’t be surprised at how fragrant the room will be when your suckling pig arrives, as they come with plethora of spices! The skin is also crispy and juicy. YUM!  
Willie Justin
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great babi guling in Bali
There are so manu babi guling restaurants in Bali but I try the famous babi guling here The taste is simply an explosion of so many spices mixed together with pork and some veggies. The soup also tasted good. Recommended for everyone who visit Bali.

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