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Babi Guling Negari

4 Reviews
GianyarBelow 100rb
Hours 10:00 - 22:00Closed

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Matthew Sultan
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7 Most Mouth-Watering Balinese Suckling Pig in Bali
One of the most underestimated hidden gem in Bali. Not only it is good, it also comes in a humongous portion. Definitely one of the most generous (in terms of portion) suckling pig restaurant listed in this article.
Sigit Prasetyo
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Mencari Kelezatan Babi Guling di Bali
Di seputaran Gianyar, jangan sampai melewatkan kelezatan babi guling di Babi Guling Negari. Tampilan menunya memang tak jauh beda dengan babi guling kebanyakan. Tapi, cobalah cicipi  saus sambalnya dan kulit yang pasti akan bikin kamu tak ingin berhenti mengunyah.
Kevin Wirawan
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7 Babi Guling Paling Enak di Bali!
Salah satu hidden gem di Bali. Babi guling yang satu ini porsinya royal banget! Jadi kalo makan disini, kamu pasti kenyang banget deh! Oh iya, makanan banyak percuma kalo rasanya gak enak, dan disini rasanya juga enak banget! Kualitas tinggi, kuantitas banyak!
Margareth Stella
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7 Babi Guling In BALI That Will Melt In Your Mouth!
Another hidden gem right here, fellas. They serve a generous serving of meat, which, indeed, what you desire the most, right? The sauce is incredibly tasty, you can totally taste the goodness of it in every bite.

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